Our Aims

Our Club's aims are to:

Learn collaboratively about the history, heritage and archaeology of Norwich and Norfolk

Develop resources and activities that contribute to the wider community’s understanding of history and archaeology

Develop activities that enhance/maintain the wellbeing and emotional resilience of club members

Be actively inclusive – open, accessible and welcoming to all

About Us...

The Norwich Community History Club aims to be welcoming and accessible, actively working to engage with, and include, people who might ordinarily feel a bit intimidated by more 'academic' groups. Our focus is on local history - but we will explore other areas if members want that. We meet every Tuesday, 10:30-11:00 at the St Stephen's Church cafĂ© across the road from the Forum, before moving off-site on visits, or to the Millennium Library's Vernon Castle Room for talks or activities. 

Come and join us!

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