Our Aims

Our Club's aims are to:

Learn collaboratively about the history, heritage and archaeology of Norwich and Norfolk

Develop resources and activities that contribute to the wider community’s understanding of history and archaeology

Develop activities that enhance/maintain the wellbeing and emotional resilience of club members

Be actively inclusive – open, accessible and welcoming to all

Tuesday 3 November 2020

Africans in Tudor and Stuart England

Here is another related article.  Since I saw the last Mary Queen of Scots film which had Adrian Lester playing one of Queen Elizabeth’s advisers, I have always wondered whether there were prominent black people in Tudor society and it appears there were.  It all started with Catherine of Aragon and her entourage which included Moors from her native country.  One such black person became a freeman of the City of York but who was he?  Over 300,000 poor souls were transported across the Atlantic in bondage mainly by the Spanish and Portuguese but of course some by Francis Drake, so did many of these find their way into Tudor society?  There is evidence that Francis Drake held one such captive in such high regard that he named a fort after him.  To answer these questions and learn more, please select the following article: 


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