Our Aims

Our Club's aims are to:

Learn collaboratively about the history, heritage and archaeology of Norwich and Norfolk

Develop resources and activities that contribute to the wider community’s understanding of history and archaeology

Develop activities that enhance/maintain the wellbeing and emotional resilience of club members

Be actively inclusive – open, accessible and welcoming to all

Sunday 20 December 2020

The Victorian Workhouse

Here is a related article about life in a workhouse.  So were workhouses the awful places described by Dickens?  The origins of the workhouse go back to the Black Death but why did individuals enter a workhouse?  The Poor Laws forced some husbands to sell their wives to reduce the cost to the authorities.  The Deepwade Union Workhouse was built in 1836 two years after the Poor Law Amendment Act but what change did this statute bring?  One of the tasks inmates were forced to do was “picking oakum” which involved unpicking a piece of rope into many corkscrew strands.  If you want to find the answers to these questions and more related information, then select the following link:

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