Our Aims

Our Club's aims are to:

Learn collaboratively about the history, heritage and archaeology of Norwich and Norfolk

Develop resources and activities that contribute to the wider community’s understanding of history and archaeology

Develop activities that enhance/maintain the wellbeing and emotional resilience of club members

Be actively inclusive – open, accessible and welcoming to all

Monday 26 August 2024

Narborough Bone Mill

I must admit I didn’t know what a Bone Mill was, so here is an interesting article about Narborough Bone Mill.  Where did they obtain the bone from and what was it used for?  They even imported human bone but where from?  The smell must have been gruesome which is why the mill was located in a very isolated position.  To find out more, please access the following link, also take time too explore this website that also has a huge amount of information on Norfolk windmills, watermills and steam pumps:


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