Our Aims

Our Club's aims are to:

Learn collaboratively about the history, heritage and archaeology of Norwich and Norfolk

Develop resources and activities that contribute to the wider community’s understanding of history and archaeology

Develop activities that enhance/maintain the wellbeing and emotional resilience of club members

Be actively inclusive – open, accessible and welcoming to all

Sunday 1 September 2024

Cromer During Second World War

I visited Cromer last week and found the information boards around the town very interesting.  There was a board on Cromer during the Second World War and I didn’t realise that it was bombed five times.  Bearing in mind that there were no military targets in or around Cromer that I am aware of, I assume that this was targeting the population of Cromer with the view of affecting morale.  Anyway here are some photos of the results of the bombings:

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